Programs and Services

Mental Health

  • Research and implement Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT) and Prevent Teach
  • Reinforce (PTR) models to assist in shaping interpersonal and social behaviors.
  • Create and implement behavior plans for all students. 
  • Collect data, facilitate PLC’s, and assist teachers in implementing classroom management techniques. 
  • Monitor and assist staff with school-wide PBS, serve on School Leadership, School Success Plan and PBS teams. 

Social Workers

  • Provide individual, family, and/or group therapy sessions for all students
  • Provide resources within the school and community for students, parents and guardians.
  • Collaborates with stakeholders in the design and implementation of individual treatment plans.
  • Provides Crisis Intervention and Substance Abuse Counseling.
  • Implements CBT intervention model to improve mental health.
  • Provide individualized after-care services and resources for students that transition to their home schools or graduate.

Social Emotional Learning
SEL Curriculum

  • Implementation of Lions Quest curriculum in the middle school program.
  • The curriculum moves beyond the classroom to foster civic responsibility and build essential social, emotional, and academic skills.
  • Students develop the means to resist negative peer pressure, make healthy choices and understand and appreciate diversity in the classroom, school, and broader community.
  • Each lesson provides instruction that addresses specific SEL competencies, skills, and lesson objectives. 

Lions Quest Lesson

  • Each lesson begins with the discovering phase that introduces the activity.
  • Connecting phase – students connect what they already know with new information about the lesson skill.
  • Practicing phase – students practice the new skill learned.
  • Reflecting questions – open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking.
  • Applying phase – students use thinking skills to apply what they have learned beyond the classroom.
  • The family connection take home sheet – students take home to practice the lesson’s skill at home with a family member.

Academic Rigor
Deepening Implementation of Common Core Standards

  • Professional Learning activities for the 2017-18 school year - designed upon educator and student needs are connected to past progress and continuing school/district professional learning efforts.
  • The central focus of the Professional Learning plan is to deepen implementation of Common Core College and Career Standards by focusing on teachers’ understanding the demands of the Common Core Standards, distinguishing and unpacking essential standards, and building lesson plans together that provide for a rigorous program and effective instruction.
  • First component focuses on lesson planning with CCSS alignment and rigor by utilizing the PLC agenda for CCSS topics to monitor and provide feedback supporting all teachers in continued implementation of CCSS in all content areas.  Second component focuses on teacher support in planning with aligned curriculum and intervention programs, supports and PD.  Third component focuses on the implementation of the RTI process, using universal screeners, targeted interventions and progress monitoring tools for all students.  Fourth component focuses on the development of CCSS alignment, balanced assessment system that includes formative, interim and summative assessments and uses students results to inform instruction.


  • School-wide PBS team identifies monthly behavior incentive targets – students who reach behavior targets will be permitted to attend a monthly field trip with lunch provided (Paintball, trampoline park, bowling, NYC, Washington D.C.).
  • Daily bonus points (100 pts per period) – students can earn points for coming to class on time, staying in class, active participation, and positive relationships with staff and peers.  Accumulated points can be used in the school store to purchase snacks during lunch time.
  • Quarterly bike drawing for students who have earned “gotcha” tickets from staff.

Level System

The Level System is an individualized behavior system used to track and
remediate identified, inappropriate behaviors exhibited by students. The student mustprogress through a series of four (4) levels. Movement from one level to the next
occurs when the student displays appropriate behaviors for a pre-determined amount oftime. As a student moves upward through the levels, they earn additional
responsibilities and privileges

Every student enters the program on Level One. The Level System gives data
and feedback to students, parents and staff, and is used in conjunction with other
treatment components such as individual and group counseling, and contracting. It is
the overall goal of KCSILC to help students function successfully in the least restrictive
environment possible.

Identified Behaviors

Student behaviors are identified in the home school before entering a KCSILC program.
A functional behavior assessment (FBA) and a behavior intervention plan (BIP) is
completed when the referral to the ILC is made. These identified behaviors are the
same behaviors students are expected to improve while attending KCSILC.


As mentioned earlier, behaviors specific to each student are identified on the FBA.
These behaviors are then identified on a behavior tracking form called the Daily Point
Sheet, which is carried to all classes by the student. Point sheets include FBA
identified behaviors including a variety of socially expected behaviors.

Marking the Point Sheet

Each classroom teacher evaluates the behaviors identified on the point sheet according to the following scale:

  • 3-demonstrated appropriate classroom behavior with 2 or less prompts
  • demonstrated appropriate classroom behavior with 3-4 prompts
  • 1-may not have demonstrated appropriate classroom behavior or required more
    than 5 prompts

Student participation toward progress

It is important that students have a clear understanding of behavioral expectations at KCSILC. Therefore, their individual progress will be discussed weekly with their homeroom teacher.

Possession of the point sheet allows for students to move through the program.

Homeroom teachers give students their point sheets each morning. If a student destroys, loses, or refuses to present their point sheet to a staff member, it is an unsuccessful day. If a student has an unmarked class period when totals are tallied at the end of the school day, the student may not return to the instructor. The period is tallied as 0. If the student does not return the signed point sheet, the student will remain on the same level and day.


ILC (45 day program)
Level 1                        5 Days
Level 2                        15 Days
Level 3                        15 Days
Level 4                        10 Days 

Level 4
Incentive Field Trips 
Hallway escort needed during class time

Level 3
Hallway escort needed during class time
Incentive Field Trips

Level 2
Hallway escort needed during class time  

Level 1
Hallway escort needed during class time

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